Ayutthaya Thai Massage

Ayutthaya Thai Massage


Ayutthaya Thai Massage is probably the smallest massage parlor on the island. Located in the heart of Paceville (St Julian's / San Giljan) literally next door to RUAN THAI HOME SPA


Address: 11 S. Privitera, St Julian's
Telephone: +356 2750 0320
Mobile: +356 9929 8186

Open hours

Monday:     9:00 - 21:00
Tuesday:    9:00 - 21:00
Wednesday:  9:00 - 21:00
Thursday:   9:00 - 21:00
Friday:     9:00 - 21:00
Saturday:   9:00 - 21:00
Sunday:     9:00 - 21:00

Monday:     9:00 - 20:00
Tuesday:    9:00 - 20:00
Wednesday:  9:00 - 20:00
Thursday:   9:00 - 20:00
Friday:     9:00 - 20:00
Saturday:   9:00 - 20:00
Sunday:     9:00 - 20:00


Half an hour massage: 25 euro Full-hour massage: 50 euro


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